Welcome to CBTU's Canadian Chapter

Greetings CBTU Member:


Happy New Year to you and all the best for 2023. We wish you a healthy and prosperous year.


Last year, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) worked closely and in partnership with organizations including The Ontario Federation of Labour, A Different Booklist, and The Freedom Train to name a few.

The CBTU would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support in making 2022 such a success.


2023 marks our 27th year, and we have a very exciting year ahead. We will double our efforts to influence policies that impact our communities and will do whatever is necessary to grow the organization and ensure that we continue progressing.


Your 2023 Annual Membership dues are now owing.


The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Canada Chapter is always open to further donations if possible. Any donation would be above your annual membership fees. These donations will support CBTU projects and initiatives.


Please forward your dues and donations, along with a copy of your completed membership form to:


Attention: Christine Maclin – CBTU

115 Gordon Baker Road, Toronto, ON M2H 3H9


Payments can be made by cheque or money order payable to CBTU or by e-transfer to Christine Maclin at [email protected].


The 52nd International Convention is being held May 24-29, 2023 in New Orleans. If you are planning to attend our International Convention, you must be a member in good standing. Membership dues must be paid to the Canada Chapter no later than March 3, 2023. We will submit your name and contact information to CBTU International once we receive your dues. You will receive your official CBTU membership card from Washington headquarters. If you have already paid please ignore this request.


Please note, if you are attending the International Convention in New Orleans, the Canada Chapter has an agreement that if you register prior to the early registration date of March 17, 2023 your registration fee will be at par - $375.00 CDN. If you will be utilizing this agreement, you MUST mail your registration form along with a money order to: CBTU International Office, P.O. Box 66268, Washington DC 20035-6268, before March 17.

Otherwise, your registration fee will be as noted on the registration form in US funds. A copy of the mail-in registration form is attached for your convenience.


The CBTU’s mission is to encourage and support the full participation of Black workers and Workers of Colour in their unions, and to organize to maximize our political influence with the labour movement and other stakeholders. The Coalition must play a significant role in educating and mobilizing members to create the type of workplace and society we want and need for present and future generations.


This year we are determined to build this organization to be stronger and more influential than ever before. We encourage you to attend our meetings and events, join one of our Committees and be a part of the change. We look forward to communicating with you and please do not hesitate to pass on ideas, suggestions and comments.


Our next General Membership meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2023 at 6:30-8:30pm at Liuna Hall, 1263 Wilson Avenue, Suite 200, Toronto. The meeting will be accessible via zoom for those who reside out of town.


Please RSVP to Holmann Richard at [email protected] if you plan to attend. Hope to see you there!




Peace and Solidarity,

CBTU Canada Chapter Executive

Latest posts



May 1st, 2024 


Greetings CBTU Members: 

The Executive Board would like to have a meeting to prepare for the busy months ahead. There is so much happening quickly and it's important that we can get information to you. Please ensure you are signed up to the current Whatsapp chat. 

Please continue to follow the WhatsApp CBTU Ontario chat :


African Refugee Support


Dear CBTU Family and CBTU friends,

Enclosed are the details for the next Shared Closet event in support of the African Refugees in Canada.

The event will take place at the OPSEU Union Hall, located at 31 Wellesley Ave, Toronto, on the dates and times shown on the bulletin. Please join CBTU as we come together to assist those within our community who need our support the most. We are asking CBTU members, their families, and supporters for donations of time, finances, gently used clothing, toiletries, and more.

Please join CBTU and our alli Shared Closet as we actively work to improve living and working conditions within the Black community. 

Please share in your networks

In solidarity

CBTU - Canada

Thank you,



The McClean family and Coalition of Black Trade Unionists would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding the CBTU Scholarship Fund. In memory of Sylvia McClean, a true god sent to everyone she met.

Take action
