It is with extreme pleasure to issue the Official Convention Call for the 38th International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, May 20- 25, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a time of great thanksgiving. The theme for this convention is "NOW IS THE FUTURE."
Today we embark on a sea of change for this country. With the election of Barack Obama as our next President, you have rejected the outrageous policies of the last administration. CBTU was instrumental throughout the country with volunteers giving their time to this very special election. History has been made and the CBTU Executive Council would like to thank you for your participation in this event, however large or small.
Voters across these United States came out in numbers never before seen. There was a clear message they wanted change. And change we did get. The negative campaigning, the outright lies, the attack ads and all the tricks were not enough to sway the voters away from this historic moment. Congratulations to each and every one of you on a job well done. Last year you were tasked with getting new voters registered, educating them on the issues, participate in phone banks, knock on doors and whatever was necessary to make this past election cycle successful. You did that and more. CBTU cannot thank you enough. Give yourselves a resounding applause.
Now we must focus on helping the new administration deliver on its campaign promises. We will be concentrating this convention around what our communities, our schools, and our working families need to be viable again. We must do our part in letting those in power that can effect change hear our voices. There will be workshops on leadership training, community organizing, empowerment, and how to deliver messages where they need to be delivered. Of course there will be those standards that will not change. There will be the National Women's Conference, Sunday worship, C.A.R.A.T. Conference, Retirees' Conference, Youth Conference and many other functions.
But our focus, as stated is to make our voices heard as never before. The election has been won, now is not the time to disappear. It is still critical to be engaged so that our hard fought battle was not in vane.
Hopefully you will enjoy this convention. There will be plenty to keep you busy and entertained, But, let us not forget the true mission ahead. Let us keep up the fight for justice, let us be the voice of reason, let us go where we have never gone before. "NOW IS THE FUTURE".
1n Solidarity,
William Lucy