The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Canada (CBTU) has joined the Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces (ACW) research project as a partner organization by launching an action research initiative on environmental racism and work in a time of climate change.
Environmental Racism Research Project Launched
To start the project, CBTU is launching a social media campaign to engage racialized and indigenous communities in the process of discovering what has been written so far about environmental racism in the fight against climate change. Writing on work, climate change and environmental racism will be welcome.
You can help to enrich the dialogue on environmental racism by clicking on our initial bibliography and then adding sources by tweeting suggestions using the hashtag #EnvRacismCBTUACW
We will incorporate suggestions into a final bibliography which will be used to design a participatory training workshop to engage the community in the struggle to slow climate change and identify pathways to green jobs.
Christopher Wilson,
Project Lead,
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Canada (CBTU)
Dr. Carla Lipsig-Mummé,
Principal Researcher,
Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces (ACW)
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CUPW Solidarity Letter
Below is the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists-Canada's (CBTU) open letter of support for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in their current round of contract negations. CBTU is inviting all members and supporters to add their voices to the letter below by clicking the hyperlink in the first paragraph and following the instructions. Doing so will send your voices to Minister Mackinnon and the various senators representing your province. Thank you.
In solidarity
The Honourable Steve Mackinnon
Minister of Labour
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Minister MacKinnon,
I am writing on behalf of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Canada (CBTU Canada) and in solidarity with our members who work for Canada Post as members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) demand justice, fairness, and respect for the rights of Canadian postal workers. The recent decision to force postal workers back to work through a back-to-work order, particularly during the busy holiday season, is profoundly troubling and requires immediate and urgent reconsideration.