CBTU Ontario Post-Election Report

The Coalition Of Black Trade Unionists, Ontario Canada Chapter has released our
detailed post-election analysis.

In summary, Doug Ford has formed a majority government but he does not speak for our community. Black votes mattered and resulted in increased representation within the legislature and helped the NDP form the opposition but it is clear that the voices of our community remain marginalized and the corridors of political power remain a white enclave of privilege and power.

Doug Ford’s decisions to end Police Oversight legislation, stop minimum wage increases, eliminate the cap-and-Trade climate change strategy, cut the school repair fund, cancel the sex education and indigenous curriculum, cut representation of Toronto Municipal councillors in half, received the lowest scores on our party report card and/or were not even the subject of the election campaign.

CBTU activists will continue to challenge racist public policies at the municipal, provincial and federal levels until we send Ford and his enablers home.


Click HERE to view the Report

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Let My People Vote

Throughout our history in Canada, African-Canadians have faced barriers to full
political participation at all levels of our electoral processes.

In this context, this “Let my people vote” workshop is being offered to identify and
break down barriers to political participation for the Black community. Collectively we will give voice to our ancestors on February 27th.

Our goal goes beyond representation to substantive policy change to support our

Click here to register

CUPW Solidarity Letter


Below is the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists-Canada's (CBTU) open letter of support for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in their current round of contract negations. CBTU is inviting all members and supporters to add their voices to the letter below by clicking the hyperlink in the first paragraph and following the instructions. Doing so will send your voices to Minister Mackinnon and the various senators representing your province. Thank you.

In solidarity


The Honourable Steve Mackinnon

Minister of Labour

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6


Dear Minister MacKinnon,

I am writing on behalf of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Canada (CBTU Canada) and in solidarity with our members who work for Canada Post as members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) demand justice, fairness, and respect for the rights of Canadian postal workers. The recent decision to force postal workers back to work through a back-to-work order, particularly during the busy holiday season, is profoundly troubling and requires immediate and urgent reconsideration.

Take action
