It is with broken hearts and extreme dismay that once again the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Canadian Chapter stands with those affected by the recent mass shootings of Muslim women, children and men in Christchurch, New Zealand. These victims were targeted by white supremacist terrorists as they prayed in their mosques. Our heartfelt condolences goes out to the families and to those affected by this most recent terrorist action. Far too often, Canadian Society has been forced to shed collective tears resulting from the manifestation of this form of hate throughout the world. The Islamic Center in Quebec City, Quebec, Mother Emanuel AME Church in in Charleston, South Carolina and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are a few examples of some of history's darkest hours.
CBTU Canada Statement on the Christchurch Mass Shootings
It is our view that in the midst of those dark hours, some of our greatest duties come to light. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in Canada believes that we all have a duty to stand against the rise of hate in all of its manifestations. Whether hate reveals itself blatantly and violently as in the examples above or discreet and targeted as is the case with carding and workplace racial discrimination, we believe that our collective responsibility remains the same. Today those who embrace hate have placed their attention on who they portray as "the others". While stoking the flames of islamophobia they target those who are racialized, Muslims and/or immigrants. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists believes that if the seeds of hatred in society are permitted to grow, so will an unsatisfiable appetite for new outlets to target with that hate.
We further believe that as a society everyone has a duty to condemn the rise of hate at all levels and in all of its forms. As such CBTU's Canadian Chapter embraces the philosophy that through the collective condemnation of extreme hate and terrorism, we can make racism wrong again. That is why The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in Canada continues to stand with those who stand against discrimination and extreme hate in all of its forms.
Latest posts
Let My People Vote
Throughout our history in Canada, African-Canadians have faced barriers to full
political participation at all levels of our electoral processes.
In this context, this “Let my people vote” workshop is being offered to identify and
break down barriers to political participation for the Black community. Collectively we will give voice to our ancestors on February 27th.
Our goal goes beyond representation to substantive policy change to support our
Click here to register
CUPW Solidarity Letter
Below is the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists-Canada's (CBTU) open letter of support for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in their current round of contract negations. CBTU is inviting all members and supporters to add their voices to the letter below by clicking the hyperlink in the first paragraph and following the instructions. Doing so will send your voices to Minister Mackinnon and the various senators representing your province. Thank you.
In solidarity
The Honourable Steve Mackinnon
Minister of Labour
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Minister MacKinnon,
I am writing on behalf of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Canada (CBTU Canada) and in solidarity with our members who work for Canada Post as members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) demand justice, fairness, and respect for the rights of Canadian postal workers. The recent decision to force postal workers back to work through a back-to-work order, particularly during the busy holiday season, is profoundly troubling and requires immediate and urgent reconsideration.