Chapter Commitees

Committee Chairs

The CBTU Ontario, Canada Chapter is home to several committees that the membership are encouraged to participate in. Here is a listing of the committees and chairs responsible. If you are interested in joining a committee please contact the chair, or send us an e-mail.

  • Isabelle Miller- Chair
  • Mark Brown- Co-Chair
  • Andrea McCormack – Chair
  • Mark Brown - Chair
  • Mark Ausitn - Chair
  • Denis Williams- Co-Chair

Christine Maclin

  • Juanita Forde- Co-Chair

Welcome CBTU Members!

Sign up and be part of a group of activists that pushes the status quo and supports our communities of colour. As a member of the Under 40 committee, you will be part of a meaningful group of visionaries, planners, organisers, project developers that unite workers of colour in powerful ways.

We are looking for enthusiastic members, ages 18-40, to join us in political action, social campaigns, rallies and creative initiatives that empower young people of colour to find good jobs, and community resources that will improve their lives.

Sign up now by email!

  • Andrea McCormack

Take action
