Please click here to read the President's Report.
Save the Date: CBTU Region 1 Conference is Coming Up!
The CBTU Region 1 Conference will be held this summer in Albany. Download this flyer for more information.
CBTU Strategy Report
The 40th Annual International CBTU Convention was held in Las Vegas, NV in May, 2011. The convention was quite different in format from previous years, with a priority on creating solid strategies for sustainability in years to come.
Reminder: Membership Dues
To our valued members:
Members need to get your membership dues into Janice so there isn't a chance of their being registered as guests instead of delegates. If they plan to attend this year's International Convention in Las Vegas Thursday May 26-30. Registration available at if you haven't received it in the mail.
Any questions, Please contact me at 4163479732(c) or [email protected]
Fundraising Caribbean Cruise
Act now! For information on our upcoming cruise, click on the link below. The deadline for booking was extended to April 12th, no, now May 15th!
Article: COFFEE BREAK: Bob Turner broke a colour barrier
COFFEE BREAK: Bob Turner broke a colour barrier
Any kid who grew up in Cornwall during the 1950s and 1960s has never confused Bob Turner, this city's first recreation director, with the Bob Turner who spent six seasons on the Montreal Canadiens' blue-line, earning five Stanley Cup rings.
Black History Month Event
Tidbits About Jamaica
Do you know of other extraordinary fun tidbits about Jamaica? What about other accomplishments of Caribbean islands? If you do, please send them to [email protected] for us to share with the membership.
Little-Known Black History Fact: Dr. Herbert Smitherman
Election Results
On Wednesday, November 24th 2010, The CBTU held its elections and here are the results:
President: Janice Gairey (OFL)
1st Vice President: Andrea McCormack (OPSSU)
2nd Vice President: Holmann Richard (PSAC)
Recording Secretary: Maureen King (COPE 343)