Announcements & Articles

CBTU International Convention

The CBTU International Convention shall take place from May 26 - 30 in Washington, DC, USA. The registration information is available at The cost for Canadian registration will be $250US. Please do not pay online by VISA: please send a US fund cheque with a paper registration form for this special pricing. The resolutions deadline is April 8, 2016. If you would like to submit a resolution, please email Isabelle Miller, Resolutions Committee chair. Thank you.

A Profile Piece on President Emeritus Janice Gairey

Janice Gairey has recently retired from her position as the Human Rights Director at the Ontario Federation of Labour. With a long family history of civil rights activism dating back to her great, great grandfather’s escape from slavery through the Underground Railroad, Janice’s activism is in her blood. Her history is entrenched in working with the communities of colour and comes from her father, the late Desmond Davis, who was a pivotal member of the Black Sleeping Car Porters together with Stan Grizzle and the late Harry Gairey. She has amassed over fifty years as a social justice advocate, with a primary focus on combating racism in Canada.

Success a the Anti-Black Racism Conference

CBTU was a proud co-sponsor of the Anti-Black Racism Conference hosted by The Anti-Black Racism Network. The conference was organized around the themes of community - resistance - criminalization.

The conference brought together leading scholars from across Canada, emerging scholars, faculty, students, community members, artists and activists to reflect upon social issues facing Black Canadians.

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